If you are hungry, you make mistakes. Bad mistakes.

We took advantage of this truth to communicate our brand’s message about the perils of hunger. By creating branded stickers and placing them next to the worst examples of public failures, we demonstrated how people’s brains stop working when hungry. The content was spread on Snicker’s social channels, encouraging users to share any #HungryMistakes they encountered or committed themselves.

All we did was post the first examples on Snickers’ Twitter channel and wait for the internet to do its job.




Only one thing can justify silly mistakes: being hungry. Show us your #HungryMistakes.




We found and shared a few examples, hoping consumers would get inspired and do the same.

Soon enough people also started sharing their examples of #hungrymistakes

Not only did we get a great reaction from consumers, but #hungrymistakes also got the industry's attention in general.

Agency: BBDO, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officers: David Lubars, Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Directors: Gianfranco Arena, Peter Kain
Senior Art Directors: Fernando Mattei, Bianca Guimarães, Florian Marquardt
Senior Copywriter: Rodrigo Linhares